Saturday, May 06, 2006

My first message..

I've decided to create a blog, a few days before my departure for Saudi, where i'm going to get my first full-time job. The purpose of such a webpage is to give some information to my relatives about my settling there, also my impressions and feelings on arriving in this country which I know nothing about yet.
I will try to publish some pictures as well, with some comments.. As the FR people write on their "skyblogs", don't forget "to drop your own comments" about what I'm going to write there. This space is not only mine, it's also yours.. If you feel interested, or want to write a few words, anything, feel free to do so. I'm not going to delete any comment, I'm a reader and not a censor ;)
Well.. I think that's it.. Don't forget to send me some pictures, as far as possible I'll try to do the same, in the next days i'm going to open a FTP space on which we'll be able to exchange files... Pictures, movies.. I guess all of you have my email address, from June i'm going to use my GMAIL.COM account since the FREE.FR account won't work there.
See you in the next days..