it's been a long time!

On Tuesday, everything was ready to leave St Pryvé.. 4 big boxes contained books, the printer, clothes.... in other words, my mess :P . Today, I realized I didn't turn back towards the house, to see it a last time before a long one. Despite little misunderstandings that have no more meaning to me, I'm sure I will miss this place. Everyday, to have dinner there , to study, to sleep until the next day... and sometimes not sleeping.. It's there that I discovered my "student profile", or a "student philosophy (which is definitely not wise at all, according to some colleagues) : for almost each assignmen, I waited for the eve of the deadline before efficiently working on the topic. On the other hand, from the very day when the professor gives the topic, I start thinking about it... I read some articles, look at some websites, and sometimes, take some notes but not too much ! : otherwise it would mean that I work in advance, and that's definitely contrary to my methods.
It's true that the level of stress kept increasing, along this academic year : this method was still working but at the end, the results didn't exactly correspond to my expectations. Sometimes it was much higher than expected (in this case, why complain?) but sometimes, it was lower.. Well, it seems that I didn't master that well the fiability of the method. Luckily, I've never had to face a tragedy...
Now, about my departure, I still have no news from the ministry. They are waiting (so am I, by the way...) for my VISA, and only then, they'll be able to book my flight. The big question mark now follows the word "WHEN"... Actually, I'm not worrying that much and I don't think there is a reason to feel very concerned : when it's time to go, i'll go ! :) However I had some news from the FR school in the city where i'll settle : its director sent me an email and proposed to provide me a temporary accomodation, leaving me the time to find my own roof. I have some chances to find it in the FR compound, but I'm still thinking about the advantages and defects of such a choice... This topic will be dealt with later..
That's it for today.. Tomorrow, a family meeting is planned, from the Italian side, to celebrate Mother's day with the grandparents. We should be 32, all in all, it will be one of the last meetings until a long time from now.
Take care, and see you soon