Where is it? tic tac tic tac tic tac....... BZZZZ!!! no answer... ? Well, this is a nice city where I went three times already, which is neither in Bahrain, neither in Saudi Arabia and not even in France. This city, it's my 2007 project. From now I know what I want to do and where I want to be, right after this Saudi experience, I think my relatives know about my intentions... and I appreciate very much their encouragements. I'm growing with the idea that France is a nice country, seen from outside. And honestly, even though it requires a distance with friends and family, I want to entertain this distance with my homeland... Also and mainly because there is another distance I would like to get rid of. I don't specially believe in the magic of numbers, but if during the year 2007 I manage to fulfill my projects, I might become a bit superstitious ;) And among those "if", "would", "maybe", "probably" and other "hope", I
will do my best to find a real way.
Who agrees with me on the fact that 2006 ran very fast...? Actually, time flew. From the beginning of 2006 I remember a very nice new year's party, my research for an internship, this night partying in Lille at Fred's homecity, a pleasant week of rest in April with Aurelija and then... Departure to SA. On the eve of 2006, I never imagined that I would be here one year later, this was not in my plans at all. At that time, I had other expectations which unfortunately failed but I found a personal benefit through that, it taught me that I should prepare myself better before planning anything serious. Now, I have something like 3 months to get myself ready and gather necessary documents for my different applications. I'll also enjoy some 15 days in France in the first half of March to get a bowl of fresh air. Every 3 or4 months spent spent here, you feel that the air is a bit dusty so... what's better than have a break (shall it be short...) and meet again with your family, love and friends? I'm counting days now... But still, I'm not yet nuts enough to display the daily countdown on my MSN nickname. ( "France : 41 days until D-day")..... I also need to refresh my music folders, which are getting even more dusty than the local atmosphere! So this is my official holiday plan for March : 28th Fev - 4 th March in Orleans, 5th March - 16th in Chalon... not without some trips to Paris. We'll see that when time comes.
2007 has just started and it seems very busy already. Let's hope it will indeed, if not exactly as I expect it to be, at least I'd like it to look like this mental picture I have, something that is getting clearer and clearer day after day. But first of all, there is a little mission to finish here in Middle East, and I still enjoy it very much. I think that contrary to many foreigners coming here (i.e. for oil business) my relation to local people is not "client-oriented". I'm not sure that business can lead that easily to friendships, or maybe not as much as cultural exchange is. Even though I would like to do something else in my life than teaching French language all the time, I enjoy very much this position here and I encourage anyone to take any opportunity to come to Middle East. If we grew with the idea that the Western World is ruling everything, we shouldn't forget that interesting things happen Southwards and Eastwards. The best way is not to be stuck on National Geographic channel or read travel books, it's just to go and see it with your own eyes, feel it with your own guts. Yes, I admit, I'm far away from my relatives but I'm sure I'm not wasting my time. I'm almost 25, and I realize there are so many things left to see, and so little time. That's why I want 2007 to be the year of change, the "great bend" : I still want to discover people, cultures, languages ... but this time, "not alone".